Do you Have to Wear Hijab When Reading Quran

The hijab, a symbol of modesty and devotion in Islam, has long been a topic of discussion and debate. As Muslims, we often find ourselves seeking clarity on the appropriate guidelines for engaging with the Quran, particularly when it comes to the role of the hijab. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the nuances of this subject, exploring the perspectives of Islamic scholars and uncovering the true essence of reciting the Quran with reverence and respect.

What is the Hijab in Islam?

The hijab, in the context of Islam, refers to the modest clothing worn by Muslim women to cover their bodies, including their hair, neck, and sometimes even their face. It is a visual representation of a woman’s devotion to her faith and a means of fostering a sense of identity and belonging within the Muslim community. The hijab holds significant religious and cultural significance, serving as a symbol of modesty, privacy, and a strong commitment to the teachings of Islam.

Is the Hijab Required for Reading the Quran?

One of the most common questions that arise is whether it is mandatory for Muslim women to wear a hijab when reciting or reading the Quran. The answer, as revealed by Islamic scholars, is that there is no explicit requirement in the Quran or Hadith (the teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) that states a hijab must be worn specifically for this purpose.

However, it is generally recommended to dress modestly and cover oneself when engaging with the sacred text of the Quran. This recommendation stems from the principle of showing reverence and respect for the Quran, which is considered the word of Allah (God) revealed to humanity. While the hijab is not an absolute necessity, it is viewed as a virtuous act that demonstrates a person’s devotion and commitment to their faith.

Scenarios for Quran Recitation and Hijab

Reading the Quran on Electronic Devices

When it comes to reading the Quran on electronic devices, such as smartphones or tablets, the same principle applies. There is no specific requirement to wear a hijab while reciting the Quran through these mediums. However, it is still advised to maintain modest attire and an attitude of reverence when engaging with the holy text, regardless of the platform used.

Listening to the Quran

Similarly, when listening to the Quran being recited, it is not obligatory for a woman to wear a hijab. However, many Islamic scholars recommend that women cover their heads as a sign of respect and humility when hearing the words of Allah. This practice is seen as a way to demonstrate one’s devotion and maintain a focused, reverent mindset during the recitation.

Can a Woman Read the Quran Without a Hijab?

Yes, a woman can read the Quran without wearing a hijab. There is no evidence in Islamic teachings that explicitly states a woman must cover her head when reciting or reading the Quran. The requirement to wear a hijab is primarily associated with modesty and concealing one’s attractiveness in the presence of non-mahram (non-related) men, rather than the specific act of Quran recitation.

Dressing Modestly During Quran Recitation

While the hijab is not a mandatory requirement for reading the Quran, it is generally encouraged to dress modestly and appropriately when engaging with the holy scripture. This practice is rooted in the principle of showing reverence and respect for the sacredness of the Quran.

Modest dressing during Quran recitation involves covering the body in a way that avoids revealing or tight-fitting clothing. The purpose is to foster an atmosphere of piety and humility, allowing the individual to focus solely on the words of Allah without any distractions or potential sources of temptation.

Dressing modestly is a personal choice and a reflection of one’s faith, emphasizing the significance of modesty and humility in Islamic teachings. It is a way for individuals to demonstrate their devotion and commitment to the Quran, creating an environment conducive to spiritual contemplation and connection with the divine.

Different Perspectives from Islamic Scholars

The topic of wearing a hijab while reading the Quran has been the subject of various interpretations and discussions among Islamic scholars. Let’s explore some notable perspectives:

  1. Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah: He states that there is no specific requirement for women to wear the hijab while reading the Quran, as it is an act of worship that can be performed in any decent manner.
  2. Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali: He argues that while it is not obligatory, women should wear the hijab when reciting the Quran, as it demonstrates devotion and reverence towards the sacred text.
  3. Imam al-Qurtubi: He also holds the view that wearing a hijab is not mandatory specifically for reading the Quran. However, he emphasizes the importance of modest clothing while engaging in any religious activity.
  4. Dr. Yasir Qadhi: He states that there is no specific requirement for wearing a hijab during Quran recitation. He believes that modesty and appropriate attire should be maintained when engaging in any religious practice.

These diverse perspectives highlight the nuanced nature of this topic and the importance of considering individual interpretation and personal conviction when it comes to the role of the hijab in Quran recitation.

Proper Etiquette for Engaging with the Quran

Regardless of whether a hijab is worn or not, it is essential to observe proper etiquette when engaging with the Quran. This includes:

  1. Purity: Ensuring ritual purity by performing ablution (wudu) before touching the Quran.
  2. Respectful Handling: Treating the Quran with reverence and respect, using clean hands and keeping it elevated above other objects.
  3. Recitation Style: Reading the Quran with proper Tajweed (correct pronunciation) and at an appropriate pace, ensuring clarity.
  4. Focus and Intention: Approaching the recitation with sincerity and focusing on understanding the message rather than simply going through the motions.
  5. Concentration: Finding a quiet place where you can concentrate fully on reciting or reading without distractions.
  6. Posture: Sitting or standing upright while reciting, showing humility before Allah.
  7. Dress Modestly: Wearing appropriate clothing that covers your body according to Islamic guidelines when engaging with the Quran.
  8. Reflection and Contemplation: Pausing after each verse or passage to reflect upon its meanings, seeking guidance from Allah.
  9. Duaa (Supplication): Beginning and ending your recitation sessions with Duaas, seeking blessings from Allah for understanding and benefiting from His words.
  10. Translation & Tafsir: For non-Arabic speakers, considering studying translations or utilizing Tafsir (explanatory) books alongside your reading for better comprehension of the verses’ intended meaning.

By adhering to these guidelines, individuals can create an environment of reverence and focus, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the sacred words of the Quran and derive the maximum spiritual and intellectual benefits.

Elevate Your Quranic Experience: Learn Online Quran Recitation with Tajweed

For those seeking to deepen their connection with the Quran and improve their recitation skills, Riwaq Al Quran offers comprehensive online Quran recitation courses with Tajweed. These courses, led by experienced teachers, provide a flexible and convenient platform for learners to enhance their understanding and mastery of the Quran’s recitation.

Through one-on-one video conferencing sessions, students can learn the proper pronunciation and intonation of the Quranic verses, following the rules of Tajweed. This approach ensures a personalized learning experience, allowing individuals to progress at their own pace and receive tailored guidance from the instructors.

By enrolling in Riwaq Al Quran’s online Quran recitation courses, you can elevate your Quranic experience and develop a stronger, more meaningful relationship with the holy text. Regardless of your current level of expertise, these courses cater to both beginners and advanced learners, empowering you to recite the Quran with confidence, precision, and reverence.


In conclusion, the topic of wearing a hijab while reading the Quran is a nuanced one, with varying perspectives from Islamic scholars. While there is no explicit requirement to cover one’s head specifically for this purpose, it is generally recommended to dress modestly and approach the Quran with reverence and respect.

The choice to wear a hijab during Quran recitation ultimately rests on individual interpretation and personal conviction. What matters most is maintaining an attitude of humility, focus, and devotion when engaging with the sacred text, whether through reading, listening, or recitation.

By adhering to the proper etiquette and guidelines for Quran engagement, Muslims can cultivate a deeper connection with the words of Allah, fostering spiritual growth and a stronger commitment to their faith. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your Quranic experience through online courses and dedicated study, and let the timeless wisdom of the Quran guide you on your journey of faith and enlightenment.